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Polices and Procedures

Our Recreation and Wellness department welcomes you to the RAWC! As members of the campus community and patrons of the Recreation Center, we need your assistance in maintaining a safe and healthy environment. We strongly encourage our patrons to read, understand, and abide by the policies and procedures herein summarized.

Campus Recreation and Wellness strives to provide a safe and enjoyable atmosphere for all participants and reserves the right to immediately implement any new policies and/or procedures to protect our patrons. Your comments and suggestions are welcome.


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  • Each participant is responsible to determine whether he/she has the proper fitness level to participate in activity at the Recreation Center. Participants are strongly encouraged to consult with their health care provider(s) before starting any exercise program.


  • Participation in activity at the Recreation Center is voluntary. By voluntarily using the Recreation Center, participants assume all risk for any harm or injury sustained.


  • Consider the consequences of your actions and do not engage in behavior that may harm other patrons or damage equipment.

The Recreation and Wellness Center is a controlled-access facility and is intended for use and enjoyment of current 糖心视频 students and other authorized members of the 糖心视频 community. Only authorized users are permitted past the entry turnstiles.

  • No 糖心视频 Lions ID= NO entry
  • 糖心视频 Community members with access to the RAWC include:
    • All students currently enrolled in 糖心视频 classes
    • Full-time employees
    • Part-time employees, adjunct faculty, and retirees can access the RAWC through paid memberships.
  • Lions ID鈥檚 are for the exclusive use of the person named on the card and nontransferable. The ID will be confiscated and involved parties subject to disciplinary action if presented by anyone other than the rightful owner.

  • Misuse of IDs and/or Improper entry is subject to disciplinary action if presented by anyone other than the rightful owner.
  • Participants must possess and display upon request appropriate identification. The RAWC staff reserves the right to request identification at any time.

Use of the RAWC is a privilege. Patrons will respect the rights of others and display acceptable and appropriate behavior while participating in the Recreation Center. Campus Recreation and Wellness reserves the right to refuse access or remove any individual(s) whose behavior is inappropriate, or in violation of University rules and regulations, and/or the Code of Student Conduct. Your cooperation is appreciated.

  • Participants are responsible for reading, understanding, and abiding by all rules and regulations of the Recreation Center.
  • Not all rules are posted in immediate areas. If a staff member requests your cooperation, please adjust your behavior. If you have questions about a specific policy, please see Campus Recreation and Wellness staff.
  • Inappropriate behavior includes, but is not limited to:
    • Verbal abuse
    • Physical abuse
    • Harassment
    • Obscene gestures or actions
    • Abuse of staff in any form
    • Profane or indecent language
    • Failure to follow an established policy
  • If a participant, member, or guest in a Campus Recreation and Wellness program or facility is directed to leave a facility, program, contest or activity for misconduct:
    • He/she must leave the facility immediately.
    • He/she must meet with the designated Campus Recreation and Wellness senior staff responsible for the program/facility in which the misconduct occurred. He/she shall immediately be ineligible for further access or competition in any program or facility until he/she has met with the designated senior staff.
  • Entrance to the facility is only allowed through the front doors of the RAWC. Anyone found to have entered the facility through any other means, including emergency exits, will be asked to leave the premises and further disciplinary action may be taken.
  • Campus Recreation and Wellness is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
  • Use of personal bicycles, skateboards, roller skates, or roller blades is prohibited inside the facility.
  • Pets are not permitted inside the facility, except approved service animals.
  • Participants may not use, or be under the influence of alcohol, or illicit drugs in the RAWC
  • The 糖心视频 campus is a tobacco free community.
  • Food is restricted to the lobby.
  • Chewing gum is prohibited in all areas of the facility.
  • Signage or flyers of any type must be approved prior to posting.
  • Personal headsets are welcome, but the use of radios/portable stereos or amplified sound is not permitted in any Recreation facility without prior approval.

Exercise attire (athletic gear ONLY) is required, as well as closed toe shoes (tennis, jogging, aerobic). No flip-flops, street shoes, flats, boots, etc. will be allowed. No jeans, khaki pants/shorts, cargo pants/shorts, or dress clothes. Shirts are required 鈥 no halter tops, sports- bras only, or half shirts. No plastic or rubberized suits; cut-offs, or street clothes are allowed.

  • Spandex shorts must be fingertip length.
  • Non athletic attire/shoes are allowed on the track.

Please remove all sharp objects from your pockets for your safety and to help protect our fitness equipment.

  • Only authorized users of the RAWC may check out equipment.
  • You must present a valid Lion鈥檚 ID to check out equipment.
  • Users are responsible for equipment checked out in their name. Fines may be charged for late, lost, and/or damaged equipment.

  • Campus Recreation and Wellness is not responsible for lost, stolen, damaged, or unattended personal belongings and strongly recommends that participants leave personal items at home.
  • Campus Recreation and Wellness strongly encourages participants to secure personal items.
  • Personal items remaining in lockers/cubbies will be submitted to lost & found.
  • Campus Recreation staff shall not hold equipment, valuables, or bags for participants.
  • No items should be placed directly in front of emergency access doors.
  • Personal items, such as sweatshirts and additional articles of clothing, should not hang on cardiovascular and weight equipment. Items can fall and become lodged in moving equipment, such as treadmills.
  • Day lockers will be available for use on both the first floor of the RAWC.
    • Bags, backpacks, sweatshirts and other personal items may not be left unsecured, block pathways, or present a safety hazard in the gymnasium or in the fitness floor and cardiovascular areas.
    • Unsecured belongings may be considered abandoned property and turned into the front desk as lost and found.

  • Campus Recreation requests that the locker rooms be used for storing personal items, changing attire, and showering.
  • All lockers are designated as 鈥榙ay-use鈥 available at no cost during hours of operation.
    • Belongings in these lockers must be cleared, and any locks remaining locked at the end of the day may be unlocked.
    • Confiscated items will be placed at front desk.
    • Campus Recreation is not responsible for theft or damage to personal property left in lockers.
  • Shower shoes are suggested for use in locker rooms and showers.

Please limit cell phone use for music only. For your safety, DO NOT talk or text on your phone in the fitness areas.

The materials are allowed only on the recumbent bikes.

Signs, posters, or advertisements may NOT be placed in the RAWC on any walls, bulletin boards, doors, and other areas without prior staff approval.

  • Activity areas, entries/exits, and the main lobby are subject to 24-hour surveillance.
  • Live video is monitored by the 糖心视频 Police Department.

Towels are provided for workouts and wiping off machines after use. We do not provide towels for showering. Please leave towels in the facility.

  • Equipment should be used properly and for its intended purpose and should remain in its established location.
  • Prior to using equipment, read the warning labels and instructions affixed to each machine.
  • Follow safe workout procedures by starting with a warm up and/or stretching and ending with a cool down and/or stretching.
  • Exercises that cannot be performed in a safe and proper manner or may pose risk to others are prohibited.
  • It is strongly recommended that participants not wear jewelry while working out in the RAWC.
  • Do not touch or lean anything against mirrors and/or glass.
  • If you are unsure how to use a machine, seek assistance from facility staff. An equipment orientation can also be scheduled with the RAWC staff.
  • Immediately report to staff any piece of equipment that is not functioning properly so it can be evaluated and serviced promptly. Do not attempt to use or fix any piece of equipment that is not functioning properly.
  • Drink plenty of liquids.
  • If you feel pain, faint, discomfort and/or dizziness discontinue exercising immediately and notify facility staff on duty.
  • Personal and/or instructional training other than that scheduled through Campus Recreation is prohibited.
  • Personal music devices (i.e. radios, MP3s, iPods) with headphones are permitted in activity spaces.

  • Use controlled lifting and weight you can handle with good form.
  • For selectorized (weight stack) equipment, plates should not be dropped or allowed to clank together.
  • Dumbbells and free weight equipment should not be slammed together or dropped to the floor.
  • Plates are to be moved from racks to bars only.
  • Plates and bars should not be left on the floor, leaning against, or stacked on benches. Place on floor between sets.
  • To prevent tearing, do not place feet, rest bars or weights on upholstered benches.
  • Standing on benches or equipment frames is not permitted.
  • Spotters are strongly recommended.
  • Safety collars are REQUIRED.
  • Chalk and/or chalk-like substances are not permitted.
  • Re-rack dumbbells, free weights, and plates to proper location after use.
  • If performing multiple sets on equipment, allow others to 鈥榳ork in鈥 while you are resting.
  • During peak hours, limit your use of a select weight station to 10 minutes.
  • Deadlifts are only permitted inside Smith Machines and Power Racks. Weights cannot be dropped.
  • Elastic or resistance bands are not permitted for strength or power movements.

  • All Campus Recreation General Policies will be enforced.
  • During gym times, no one team can monopolize the courts for more than 3 consecutive games.
  • Close-toed, non-marking athletic shoes and shirts are required at all times.
  • Only Spill-proof water bottles are allowed. Food and gum is not permitted.
  • Dunking, grabbing, hanging on the rims or nets, or hand in the 鈥渃ylinder鈥 is not permitted due to safety and maintenance concerns.
  • The curtain will only be lowered for Special Events, Sport Club Practices, or for safety concerns based on the discretion of the Campus Recreation Staff.
  • No kicking basketballs or any other balls in this area.
  • Deliberate abuse of the walls, ceilings, equipment, etc. is not permitted.
  • Personal headsets are welcome, but the use of radios/portable stereos or amplified sound is not permitted in any Campus Recreation facility without prior approval.

  • During peak hours, (Monday 鈥 Friday 5-9pm) use of cardio equipment is limited to 30 minutes per machine.
  • All footwear must be dry and free of dirt before participating.
  • Hand weights and dumbbells are not permitted on cardiovascular equipment.
  • Wear the safety lanyard when using the treadmills.
  • Walking laterally or backwards is NOT permitted on the treadmills.
  • Personal items, such as sweatshirts and additional articles of clothing, should not hang on cardiovascular and weight equipment. Items can fall and become lodged in moving equipment, such as treadmills.

  • Studio rooms are intended for group fitness classes and personal patron use when classes are not scheduled.
  • Group fitness class schedules are posted at the entries to activity rooms and online.
  • Fitness equipment should be used only for its intended purpose.
  • Do not remove equipment from activity rooms.
  • Use caution near mirrors.
  • Personal items must be stored in cubbies and/or lockers; Campus Recreation is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
  • Complete entire warm up and cool down.
  • Audio and video equipment is for Campus Recreation staff or instructor use only.
  • Personal or instructional training other than scheduled through Campus Recreation is prohibited.
  • Multiple failures to adhere to instructor cues may result in class suspension.
  • Athletic shoes must be worn during all classes unless otherwise noted.
  • Participants are highly encouraged to thoroughly clean equipment (e.g., mats) after each use.
  • Only spill-proof water bottles are permitted in the rooms.

  • RAWC climbing staff must be present in order for members to climb, or be in the climbing area.
  • All participants must read and understand the climbing rules and sign a Waiver of Liability and Assumption of Risk before being allowed to climb.
  • Climbers鈥 pockets must be empty.
  • Items and activities prohibited in the climbing wall area: swinging or jumping on ropes, climbing into a position where you are eye level or higher with top anchors, grabbing bolt hangers (bolt hangers are for carabiner attachment only).
  • Belaying policies:
    • Belayers must lower climbers in a smooth and controlled manner. - Belayers must keep their brake hand on the rope at all times.
    • Belay from a standing position only.
  • Climbers should not step under or over an active belay.
  • A follow-through figure-eight knot is required to tie in a climber.
  • Please report any injury or unsafe climbing wall conditions to climbing staff immediately.
  • The number of climbers at any one time may be limited to ensure proper supervision.
  • The Campus Recreation climbing staff reserves the right to refuse wall access for the following reasons, including but not limited to:
    • Use of dangerous climbing techniques
    • Suspected recent use of alcohol or other drugs
    • Use of unsafe or unacceptable climbing gear

  • Boulder climbers are not required to have the ability to belay. Otherwise, all climbing wall policies, rules, and regulations apply to bouldering.
  • Campus Recreation strongly recommends the use of spotters while bouldering. We encourage climbers to ask climbing staff about proper spotting techniques.
  • Climbers may not boulder more than 10鈥 above the floor.
  • Climbers must check in at the Climbing Wall Desk before bouldering.
  • Climbers may not boulder above or below any other climbers.
  • Climbers, with the exception of climbing staff, may not switch holds. Climbing staff may switch holds only when necessary.

  • Enter the track with caution.
  • No spiked shoes or turf shoes.
  • All footwear must be dry and free of dirt before participating.
  • Standing, horseplay, spectating, and/ or stretching are not permitted on the track lanes.
  • Throwing or dropping items to or from the track is prohibited.
  • Participants must use the track in the designated direction. Look for the sign in regards for the direction for that day as the direction is different depending on the day of the week.
  • Walkers use the inside lanes and runners use the outside lanes.
  • No more than 2 runners or walkers side by side.
  • The track is 1/10th of a mile; therefore, 10 laps in the center lane equal 1 mile.

  • The primary use for the TRX庐 and Connect units is for group classes and small group training.
  • During unscheduled times, the TRX庐 and Connect unit can be used for pull-ups, dips and other functional training.
  • All accessories for the Matrix Connect must be returned to original location after use.
  • Punching bag must be used with gloves and at your own risk.
  • Functional training is permitted only in designated areas of the fitness center. All exercises must be safe and/or have a spotter. All exercises performed in a non- traditional way are performed at your own risk.