Lions Cash Terms of Use
The University of ÌÇÐÄÊÓƵ – Fort Smith Lions ID card may, at the cardholder's option, be used to pay for various goods and services on campus. It may also be used for off-campus purchases at select merchants. Deposits made to a ÌÇÐÄÊÓƵ Lions ID card may be used for purchases only at participating merchants — there is no cash back function for the ÌÇÐÄÊÓƵ Lions ID card. The following terms and conditions will not apply until the cardholder first uses his or her card for a financial transaction.
The cardholder is responsible for all financial activity generated by the use of his or her card and agrees to pay for that activity. ÌÇÐÄÊÓƵ Lions ID cardholders are responsible for ALL unauthorized charges due to lost or stolen Lions ID cards. Therefore, a lost or stolen Lions ID card should be reported immediately. *(See ÌÇÐÄÊÓƵ Student ID Card Terms and Conditions, #6.) - ACCOUNT BALANCES
The cardholder's account balance will be available for view online through the ÌÇÐÄÊÓƵ website, at the account management center located in the Boreham Library, or at any register in the Food Court. - CARRY-FORWARD BALANCE AND NO INTEREST EARNED ON ACCOUNT
Deposits provided by users, herein described as voluntary funds, shall carry over from semester to semester and year to year. *Declining balance dollars are excluded - see #4 below.* Any of these remaining deposits will be refunded to the user upon graduation or withdrawal from ÌÇÐÄÊÓƵ, according to ÌÇÐÄÊÓƵ policy (see #6 below). Voluntary fund deposits can be used for purchase at the food service facilities located on campus, participating off-campus merchants, for printing purposes in designated ÌÇÐÄÊÓƵ computer labs, and the Lions Bookstore.
The cardholder understands and agrees that no interest or other earnings will be paid to the cardholder or credited by ÌÇÐÄÊÓƵ to his or her ÌÇÐÄÊÓƵ Lions ID card account. - MANDATORY FUNDS
All student meal plans purchased include declining balance dollars. These funds may be used at the food service facilities located on campus and with participating off-campus merchants. Declining balance dollars may NOT be used for purchases in the Lions Bookstore or for printing on campus. The declining balance dollars shall roll from the fall semester to the spring semester each year. *Any balance of declining balance dollars remaining as of June 30 each year will be lost. Declining balance dollars are non-refundable. - PRINTING FUNDS FOR USE IN DESIGNATED ÌÇÐÄÊÓƵ COMPUTER LABS
Students are required to use funds deposited on their Lions ID card to print at on-campus designated computer labs. ÌÇÐÄÊÓƵ shall provide a credit to each student of $10 per semester for printing purchases ONLY at on-campus designated computer labs. If at any time during the semester a student exceeds the amount provided by ÌÇÐÄÊÓƵ for printing, they may use voluntary funds to print at on-campus designated computer labs. - REFUND OF ACCOUNT BALANCE
Unused declining balance dollars and printing credit provided by ÌÇÐÄÊÓƵ are non-refundable. A cardholder must apply in person with their Lions ID card for a refund at the end of the semester in which the cardholder graduates, or at any other time during the semester if the cardholder officially separates from ÌÇÐÄÊÓƵ. Furthermore, the cardholder must present their Lions ID card to have the funds deducted from the account. If the cardholder is making a request at any time other than the end of an academic semester, they may be required to produce documentation of their official withdrawal. This request for a refund must be made at the ÌÇÐÄÊÓƵ Registrar's Office during regular business hours (excluding university holidays). If the student or employee requests a refund, they must complete a ÌÇÐÄÊÓƵ Student ID Card Refund Request form. Any balance remaining in an account that has been closed will be applied against any debt that the cardholder owes to ÌÇÐÄÊÓƵ. If all debts are paid in full, the Business Office will return any remaining balance to the cardholder via a check made payable to the cardholder If the cardholder does not request a refund within 10 months after graduation or separation from ÌÇÐÄÊÓƵ, then the funds will be forfeited. VERY IMPORTANT: YOU MUST HAVE AT LEAST $10 OF VALUE ON THE CARD IN ORDER TO BE ABLE TO REQUEST A REFUND.